Address by Xi Jinping at the opening ceremony of the 73rd World Health Assembly video conference

2020-05-20  views:2608

Propaganda Department of the Party Committee Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, May 18th /2020.5.20 Reprinted by Huabao Power to jointly build a human health community

(May 18, 2020, Beijing)

Mr. Chairman,

Distinguished delegates:

Mankind is experiencing the most serious global public health emergency since the end of World War II. The sudden outbreak of the new crown pneumonia has now spread to more than 210 countries and regions, affecting more than 7 billion people and claiming more than 300,000 precious lives. Here, I would like to express my condolences to the unfortunate victims! Express condolences to their families!

After arduous efforts and paying a huge price, China has effectively reversed the epidemic situation and safeguarded the safety of people's lives and health. China has always been in an open, transparent and responsible manner, notified the WHO and relevant countries of the epidemic in a timely manner, released the virus gene sequence and other information as soon as possible, shared prevention, control and treatment experience with all parties without reservation, and did its best We can provide a lot of support and help to countries in need.

Now that the epidemic is still spreading, prevention and control still need to be done. I would like to make the following suggestions.

Second, give play to the leading role of the WHO. Under the leadership of Director General Tan Desai, WHO has made significant contributions to leading and advancing international anti-epidemic cooperation, which is highly appreciated by the international community. At present, the international fight against the epidemic is at a critical stage. To support the WHO is to support international cooperation in the fight against the epidemic and support to save lives. China calls on the international community to increase political support and financial input to the WHO, mobilize global resources, and win the battle against the epidemic.

Fourth, strengthen global public health governance. Mankind will eventually overcome the epidemic, but a major public health emergency will not be the last time for mankind. In response to the shortcomings and deficiencies exposed in this epidemic, the public health safety management system should be improved, the speed of emergency response to public health emergencies should be increased, and a global and regional epidemic prevention material reserve center should be established. China supports a comprehensive assessment of the global response to the epidemic after the global epidemic is brought under control, summing up experience, and making up for shortcomings. This work requires a scientific and professional attitude, the leadership of the WHO, and the adherence to the principle of objectiveness and fairness.

Sixth, strengthen international cooperation. Mankind is a community with a shared future, and unity and cooperation are the most powerful weapons to defeat the epidemic. This is an important experience gained by the international community in fighting AIDS, Ebola, avian influenza, A H1N1 influenza and other major epidemics, and it is the human right way for people from all countries to cooperate in fighting the epidemic.

China has always adhered to the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind. It is responsible for the safety and health of its own people and is also responsible for global public health. In order to promote global anti-epidemic cooperation, I declare:

——China will cooperate with the United Nations to set up global humanitarian emergency warehouses and hubs in China, work hard to ensure the supply chain of anti-epidemic materials, and establish green channels for transportation and customs clearance.

——After the research and development of China's new crown vaccine is completed and put into use, it will be used as a global public product to make China's contribution to the realization of the vaccine's accessibility and affordability in developing countries.

I call on us to join hands to jointly protect the lives and health of people of all countries, to protect the common earth home of mankind, and to build a community of human health and health!

(2020.5.20 Huabao Power Golden Samurai ups power reprint)

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