"New Infrastructure" Speeds Up Economic Transformation and Upgrade Injects "Digital Power" Huabao Power Products Accelerate Upgrading

2020-06-05  views:2375

2020.6.5 Huabao Golden Warrior UPS Power Supply

  5G is not only a communication technology, but also a "general technology". Like electricity and steam engines, 5G is used by almost all industries.

"5G ranks first in the'new infrastructure', which further strengthens the industry's confidence in accelerating the active development of 5G." This year is a critical year for 5G construction. Although the current impact of the new crown pneumonia epidemic has encountered some challenges, China's 5G development The good momentum will not change.

"The investment in 5G is huge, but the social benefits it brings will also be huge." Data is the most important means of production in the new economy and plays a vital role in future social development. The traditional economy pays attention to the flow of people and things. In the new economy, the free and fast flow of data is more critical. The high-speed rail has promoted the rapid flow of social resources and played a significant role in driving China's economic development. Similarly, 5G will also promote the high-speed flow of data, which will play a very important role in promoting the industrial Internet, unmanned driving, smart manufacturing, and smart city construction.

Traditional infrastructure is a "physical change", and its effect on the economy is linear, while "new infrastructure" brings about a "chemical change", which has a geometrical effect on the economy. For example, 5G is not only faster than 4G, but also has low latency and large capacity, which can promote the upgrade of almost all network applications, especially in the vast Internet of Things field, which can spawn a large number of new products and services, and promote social progress. .

"New infrastructure" is essentially information digital infrastructure. Increasing investment means adding network, digital, and intelligent "quality" to the transformation of traditional industries.

It can be seen that 5G, Industrial Internet, artificial intelligence, etc. have already started, but to form large-scale and universal applications and drive the digital transformation of thousands of industries, the complete deployment of these infrastructures themselves is first required.

"New infrastructure" breeds new business formats and promotes the long-term development of the digital economy. Huabao Golden Samurai UPS Power Supply Co., Ltd. seized the opportunity, adjusted its product development strategy in time, and developed digital products with the core of serving the industrial Internet, smart manufacturing, and smart city construction. We look forward to being able to better integrate into the great development of the digital age in the future. Promote the progress of society to the best of their due contributions.

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